The wrong size pin will make decapping difficult and break pins. Ensure you have the correct decapping pin when resizing/decapping, as there is no standard and manufacturers can use any size they want. Brass casings are available in three different primer flash hole sizes.This does not mean they are unusable, it just means you must resize them and fire them to remove the dings. Most flaws can be easily removed during resizing or upon first firing. OFB may have imperfections, such as minor dings, dents, or bent mouths.We do not sort by headstamp, manufacturer, case length, or primer size, unless specifically stated. Our brass includes commercial and military casings.Therefore, we never claim our brass has been shot only once, we know better. We have serviced indoor, law enforcement (LEO), and military ranges, and contrary to popular opinion from our competitors and some reloaders, they all have brass that has been shot more than once (regardless of their policies and rules).

Although it is called "once fired," the actual number of times fired is unknown. If looking for a perfect case, it is better to purchase new brass cases. Once-fired brass for reloading is NOT NEW brass, it is an ammunition/firearms industry term to loosely describe used reloading brass cases. NOTE: Website inventories are updated regularly but may not reflect our current stock due to the delay between receiving the range brass and processing it. T he bullet casing is then wet and dry tumbled before being packaged for sale. Our reloading brass comes from indoor, outdoor, and law enforcement ranges sorted by size, then the steel, Berdan, and aluminum cases are removed.